WordPress allows me to see how people come across my blog. Most people see my blog via my facebook profile. One person found my blog by searching, “how to contact a real witch”.
I must say I am intrigued by who this person is. Are you a man or a woman? Do you need a spell to make someone love you? Are you tangled up in serious trouble with a warlock? If you answer yes to any of the three, I suggest watching seasons 1-4 of the hit WB show Charmed, that follows the lives of three witch sisters on a journey to save innocents while leading a normal life.
Sidenote: I was ordered lunch for my boss from a place called “Witchcraft”. I instant messaged my friend/co-worker Rebecca and asked her “How long does witchcraft usually take” [meaning how long it takes for them to deliver] and she responded “I don’t really know. Why, are you trying to cast a spell on someone?” Hah! That gets me every time.
I went to a Staten Island Yankees game last evening with my family and sat in a box section directly behind the catcher. We had leather chairs and all the food we can eat including and limited to hot dogs, cheeseburgers, chicken sandwiches, and popcorn.
I had a cheeseburger. It’s funny how humans need to eat food to survive. I love food. Today is NATIONAL FRENCH FRY DAY. I’m not even kidding. Lenny and I split sweet potato french fries from the cafeteria. They were not up to par. Does that phrase come from the age-old sport of golf? What does the phrase “age-old” mean?
Continuing, Aunts Sally and Mary and cousin Blair saw a UFO in the sky and reacted like the below:
Blair tried to wave down UFO with her red hat. The UFO landed in centerfield and out walked a midget alien holding a baseball. “You hit this into the sky”, said the green creature. Of course he said this in alien language. I was the only one who understood. I translated the alien jargon into english.
The game went into extra innings. I can’t say who won because I do not hold that knowledge.
If anyone searches these blogs for “how to contact a real alien” I will be able to assist.