This morning
I made a cup of coffee.
Next to the Keurig Machine,
I noticed a folder.
I walked with my coffee
to look out the front door.
Gotta luv fresh air.
I walked upstairs.
Holding the coffee
and a pile of clean, unfolded laundry.
I kept dropping pieces of the laundry.
And my coffee spilt.
I walked into my room.
On my dresser
saw the Sylvia Plath journals
that I read last summer.
Opened to a random passage.
Sylvia Plath was an American writer.
To me, her journals are painful
and inspiring
in a way I can feel
and relate.
I took the sheets off my beed.
I mean, bed.
Put on new sheets.
Had to spin the bottom sheet around four times.
To find the correct edges.
I folded clothes.
this shirt.
I changed into a tank top
so I wouldn’t get a
t-shirt tan.
Stretched my leg.
Left hand
to left leg.
Wearing a helmet with the number 29182 on it,
my Dad turned off the television.
We left on a bike ride.
On Hylan Boulevard,
we joined a
police escorted
motorcycle ride.
Saw my neighbor Eddie.
He said “hi” to us.
And smiled.
My Dad shot lightening from his finger
We biked for miles.
Through Staten Island.
Up a hill.
Saw three deer.
Got to Pouch Camp.
A camp ground on Staten Island.
Where my Dad attended Boy Scouts camp
as a child.
50 years ago.
The pathway was lined with
words on wooden signs.
Trustworthy, Citizenship, Compassion, Perseverance, Positive Attitude, Resourcefulness, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Respect, Responsibility.
I think these are great qualities to have in life.
We walked to the water.
Took a photo
with my iPhone 6’s
He described memories
from the camping/sleeping area.
They slept 4 to a hut.
The hut protected them
from bears attacking them from behind.
It was great.
We walked through a
memorial pathway.
We left
and rode more.
To a break spot.
Overlooking the Manhattan skyline.
Rode home.
A total of 17 miles.
My Dad found a newspaper article he put aside.
About a man who rides his bike around America.
“Forget about psychiatrists or therapists,” is his advice. “Just get on a bike. You can’t be angry, can never stay in a foul mood [after a bike ride]. You have to smile.”
After a bike ride
my Dad and I always feel great.
I made myself a veggie wrap.
Ate it
while watching Alvin!!!! and the Chipmunks.