Over my holiday break
I left my purse
at an Airbnb
in the mountains of New Jersey.
my work ID, metro card, license, etc.
I live two hours from the Airbnb
and would have to wait over a week
to have the purse sent back.
I got home to New York City
and had to buy a new metro card.
I swiped my credit card in the machine
and this card popped out.
I liked the purple and pink colors
and zig zag pattern.
The metro card I left in New Jersey
was normal school-bus-yellow.
It was frustrating to not have my IDs,
(Had to sign in at work security every morning
and linger outside doors to get access to
key-access-only areas)
but I wouldn’t have gotten this new card
if I didn’t leave behind the purse.
And because I didn’t have my work ID,
I got to meet two interns
who escorted me upstairs to swipe me in.
I talked to the interns and asked them
if they liked their internship so far.
One intern told me he was on his college’s
sketch comedy team.
I don’t mind that I left my purse!