*This blog post was written 12/8/14*
This past weekend, I bowled in the Harry S. Truman Bowling Alley.
The exclusive 2 lane alley located in the basement of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building of The White House.
My cousin works at The White House. She invited my family and I to bowl on 12/6 from 5-7pm.
Outside the alley, there was a sign that read “TRUMAN BOWLING ALLEY”.
With a cartoon bowling ball knocking over carton pins. And a red cartoon arrow pointing right.
We followed the arrow inside.
In the first room, I saw a cubby holed wall of bowling shoes.
The shoes were new and beautiful.
My shoe size is 9 1/2. There were two numbers on each shoe. One black, one red. I stared at the wall for a minute debating which size referred to the woman’s size. I did not know.
“Play it cool,” I told myself, “don’t let anyone know you are confused.”
Being in the White House made me feel the need to look all-knowlingly smart.
“Do you need help finding your shoe size?” My cousin Blair asked me.
“Nah, I’m good honey,” I responded.
“Did you just call me honey?” Blair asked confused. Blair is my age. And I never use the word honey.
I laughed, grabbed a pair of shoes and walked into the room with the lanes.
Chance was on my side. I grabbed the perfectly sized shoes.
By laughing and walking away, to my cousin Blair I appeared super-smart!
Upon entering the next room, I asked my sister to take my photo.
I stood smiling. With my hands at my side. My long side bang resting over my right eye. Parrot on my shoulder. We looked great. I felt confident.
The first hour in the alley was spent with my cousins/Aunts taking turns on both lanes.
There was no system of order or competition.
Here is me mid-bowl.
My parrot flew up in the air two inches because of Force. A physics term that means, “strength or energy as an attribute of physical action or movement.”
Looking at photos on the wall.
Here is a photo of Martin Short.
The Beatles.
Parrot and I posed with the POTUS.
Mimicking his stance.
Before writing this blog post, I did not know what POTUS meant.
Now I know. It means President of the United States.
My family divided ourselves up in two teams. The second hour was spent in competition.
My sister and I put out heads together and smiled. Parrot on my shoulder. Crystal Vase got in on the action too.